Welcome to Worldcon

Current Worldcons

  • LAcon V: the 83rd World Science Fiction Convention, August 27-31, 2024, Anaheim, California

The above Worldcons have been selected.  To buy a membership in a future Worldcon, contact that Worldcon directly.

Worldcons sell “memberships,” not “tickets.” To attend a Worldcon, you must purchase an attending membership from that Worldcon. Memberships are not available from the Worldcon web site, because each Worldcon is an independent organization, so you must contact the individual Worldcon directly.

Upcoming Worldcon Bids

The sites of future Worldcons are selected by a vote of the members of the Worldcon two years in advance. There is no Board of Directors or Central Committee of WSFS that selects Worldcon sites. Any bid that meets a small number of technical requirements may bid for the right to host Worldcon. The members of the Worldcon make the decision on where future Worldcons will be held. A full list of future Worldcon bids can be found here.